Cryptsvc.dll file is part of Cryptographic Services product developed by Microsoft® Windows® Operating System. It is responsible for Microsoft Corporation functionality. This part is required for Cryptographic Services to function. If you are planning on replacing cryptsvc.dll with a new version make sure that you backup your old file. Replacing cryptsvc.dll file with a diffent version can cause Cryptographic Services to malfunction.

DLL File Description
Cryptographic Services
Microsoft® Windows® Operating System

Available versions of cryptsvc.dll

Dll file nameComponentSize (Bytes)Size (KB)VersionTags
cryptsvc.dll Cryptographic Services 79872 78.0 KB 10.0.10586.420 Windows System32 
cryptsvc.dll 9612 9.38 KB Windows WinSxS 
cryptsvc.dll Cryptographic Services 79872 78.0 KB 10.0.10586.420 Windows WinSxS 

Files similar to cryptsvc.dll

CrashReporterDialog.dll - MPC-HC Crash Reporter Dialog helper DLL
crashrpt.dll - Crash reporting library
CrossPromoteAppSDK.dll - CrossPromoteAppSDK
CrittercismSDK.dll - CrittercismSDK.Windows
crashhandler.dll - Steam Crash Handler Library
crashhandler64.dll - Steam Crash Handler Library
CredentialMigrationHandler.dll - Credential Migration Handler
CredProvDataModel.dll - Cred Prov Data Model
credprovhost.dll - Credential Provider Framework Host
crypt32.dll - Crypto API32
credui.dll - Credential Manager User Interface

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