Gpudebugengine.dll file is part of Visual Studio GPU Debug Engine product developed by Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013. It is responsible for Microsoft Corporation functionality. This part is required for Visual Studio GPU Debug Engine to function. If you are planning on replacing gpudebugengine.dll with a new version make sure that you backup your old file. Replacing gpudebugengine.dll file with a diffent version can cause Visual Studio GPU Debug Engine to malfunction.

DLL File Description
Visual Studio GPU Debug Engine
Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013

Available versions of gpudebugengine.dll

Dll file nameComponentSize (Bytes)Size (KB)VersionTags
gpudebugengine.dll Visual Studio GPU Remote Debug Engine 567480 554 KB 12.0.21005.1 Program Files (x86) Common7 IDE Remote Debugger x64 
gpudebugengine.dll Visual Studio GPU Remote Debug Engine 437944 427 KB 12.0.21005.1 Program Files (x86) Common7 IDE Remote Debugger x86 
gpudebugengine.dll Visual Studio GPU Debug Engine 543416 530 KB 12.0.21005.1 Program Files (x86) Common7 Packages Debugger 

Files similar to gpudebugengine.dll

GpuProfilingCollectionAgent.dll - Visual Studio Graphics Profiling Agent
GpuUtility.dll - CudaUtil Dynamic Link Library
GpuCaptureAnalyzer.dll - Gpu Capture Analyzer
GpuProfilingAnalyzer.dll - Gpu Profiling Analyzer
GpuDebugEngine.dll - Visual Studio GPU Remote Debug Engine
GpuEnvSetup.dll - Visual Studio GPU Environment Setup
GpuDebugEngine.resources.dll - Visual Studio GPU Debug Engine (resources)
gpedit.dll - GPEdit
gpprnext.dll - Group Policy Printer Extension
gpscript.dll - Script Client Side Extension
gpprefcl.dll - Group Policy Preference Client

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