DLL files with tag Mvp.runtimedbservice

DLL File NameDLL DeveloperDLL DescriptionProductDLL Tags
BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll The Legion of the Bouncy Castle  Bouncy Castle for .NET BouncyCastle.CryptoExt  Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.RuntimeDbService, bin 
mvp.Common.dll   mvp.Common mvp.Common  Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.RuntimeDbService, bin 
mvp.Interfaces.dll   mvp.Interfaces mvp.Interfaces  Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.RuntimeDbService, bin 
mvp.TestInterfaces.dll   mvp.TestInterfaces mvp.TestInterfaces  Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.RuntimeDbService, bin 
MySql.Data.dll Oracle   MySql.Data.dll  Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.RuntimeDbService, bin 
Newtonsoft.Json.dll Newtonsoft  Json.NET Json.NET  Sources, mvp, backend, components, mvp.RuntimeDbService, bin 

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